Student ministry

Important announcement

Three Rivers Student Ministry Parents:

Due to recent changes in the lease agreement with Unity, the Three Rivers Student Ministry will be transitioning the location of meeting space for our Wednesday Night Student gatherings beginning April 1, 2025.  Currently, we are in conversations with the Floyd County Baptist Association (FCBA) regarding use of their meeting space for next school year and are hopeful to reach an agreement with them in the near future. FCBA is graciously allowing us to meet in their facilities for the remainder of our Wednesday night gatherings after April 1st. The address for FCBA is 308 Redmond Road NW in Rome. We will be meeting at that facility the following dates: 4/2, 4/16, 4/30 and 5/7. Note that we will not meet 4/9 or 4/23. 

As always, our ministry strives to equip the student’s of Three Rivers Church through discipleship to be sent into their present and future domains by creating a foundation of studying and applying Scripture. The Lord has provided abundantly for our ministry and we believe He will continue to do so as our ministry transitions to new meeting space. Please pass this information along to the parents of any non-TRC student’s who may have been or will be attending with your students in the future.  

Our ministry is led by three Ministry Directors: Stephen Galloway, Marco Zuniga and Kayla Zuniga. Mitch Jolly is our overseeing elder. Our contact information is below. The Ministry Directors will be available downstairs at Unity this Wednesday, March 5th, and next Wednesday, March 12th, from 6-6:30pm to answer any questions and discuss the changes with parents.  

Mitch Jolly: 706-766-0942 |

Stephen Galloway: 404-502-8885 |

Marco Zuniga: 678-386-6529 |

Kayla Zuniga: 404-406-8233 |


Through discipleship, we equip students to be sent into their present & future domains by creating a foundation of studying & applying scripture.

The TRC Student Ministry is for students from 6th grade through 12th grade and focuses on learning to be and produce radical followers of Jesus. Our students meet on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30 pm (dinner provided) and serve in a variety of other ministries in the church. 

Our student ministry also actively partners with Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters to facilitate retreats and camps for the student ministry throughout the year. 

For more information, contact Marco & Kayla Zuniga or Stephen & Gabby Galloway.